Sunday, March 22, 2009


I got lost. Damn cue sheets. He said right when he meant left, so I was stuck out in the middle of nowhere with no cell phone or GPS coverage. Best freaking road ride in my life. Almost no cars, a bunch of little one-lane roads at almost 20% (at one point, I looked down and saw 400 watts and 5 mph), the best of central California happy cow and vineyard country, and even a stream crossing (and a Hostess fruit pie at a little general store that wasn't used to men with shaved legs).

Seriously, it's hard to explain how cool it was. I got back to the car
at 99.19 miles (after 6.5 hours) and didn't feel like it was appropriate
to ride down the road a half mile to get to 100.

Unfortunately, my camera battery ran out before some of the coolest
stuff (or I couldn't stop to take photos because it was too steep), so
the photos aren't that great (and my phone takes crappy pictures for
some reason). You'll just have to imagine.

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